Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Important Announcement

Dear All,

I'm thinking of  starting a spiritual & rehabilitation centre for fellow Plutonians. I personally feel Plutonians can shed their negatives and tune up their positives by self contemplation  and  self interrogation. I'm yet to name the center and I'm proposing to locate the center near the scenic western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Name suggestions are welcome.


  1. Hi. I just came across your blog. Good stuff. Do you have any thoughts on natal pluto in 2nd house? That's me. However, my 2 daughters both have pluto in the 1st so thanks for the write up!!!

  2. Welcome to my blog, dear. For your question - The second house is all about family and money, and Pluto is all about transformation. Your transformation can be through either of this or both. However, it doesn't require too much knowledge to find out where your transformation is going to come - it's through your daughters, hence family.
